Sexual Health
At Annagh Medical Centre, we provide a comprehensive screening and testing service for sexually transmitted infections (STI) or sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Unfortunately, many of these conditions are easily picked up by men or women and current evidence suggests there is a increasing stream of such infections in circulation. One of the issues with sexually transmitted diseases/ sexually transmitted infections is that many people suffering from these conditions do not even know they are infected. This unfortunately can lead to people passing on their infections unwittingly to others. At Annagh Medical Centre we screen and test for all forms of sexually transmitted infections/ sexually transmitted diseases. Some of the most commonly occurring forms of STIs/ STDs seen which we screen and test for include:
Genital warts
Hepatitis B/ C

Our Sexual Health (STI/ STD) service at Annagh Medical Centre involves a full screening process, including tests and follow up consultations. All consultations are treated with the up most discretion and confidentiality.