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COVID-19 Test Request

In line with HSE/Public Health guidance, we will be referring symptomatic patients directly for COVID-19 testing. In order to streamline the process, we require our patients who think they need testing to complete a testing form. Please click on the button below for more information and to access the testing form.





Please see the below summary of the important steps we have taken to ensure our practice and patients remain as safe as possible during the Coronavirus pandemic. We need your support and adherence to these changes if we are to remain open during the pandemic. The practice doors are remaining locked and are only accessible by ringing the doorbell - do not arrive without calling ahead.


COVID-19 - Information Please Read

Please note when booking an appointment, please consider whether you actually need to attend the practice - many illness are mild self-limiting viruses that do not require treatment. We are trying to reduce the risk of spreading any illnesses around by asking patients only to book appointments if necessary. Our reception staff will ask about this when you call.


There are a number of simple steps that can be taken to help protect yourself and others from Coronavirus:


  • Regular hand-washing using warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds. If not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing by coughing into your elbow/sleeve and or using a tissue

  • Dispose of used tissues in bins/wash your hands

  • Clean and disinfect touched objects and surfaces – standard household surface cleaners and disinfectants are sufficient.

  • Avoid close contact with people with any respiratory symptoms.

  • Follow local public health guidance and travel advisory information.

  • Wearing a mask to protect yourself is not necessary unless you are personally at high risk of contracting the disease due to being in a high-risk area and having underlying medical conditions.


As this situation is rapidly evolving, local guidelines will change and be updated frequently. It is important to familiarise yourself with these guidelines as they develop.


Further Information


If you are concerned that you might have contracted the Coronavirus, please DO NOT attend the practice. Please call the HSE helpline on 1850 24 1850 or call the practice for further advice if you cant get through to the HSE (please do not call the emergency department, 112/999 as their services are overwhelmed at present and are for emergencies only)


Further information and guidance can be found at:


Health Service Executive:


Department of Foreign Affairs travel advice:


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